When deeds and words are in accord, the whole world is transformed. — Zhuang Zhou
task | e time | r time |
Norwegian 15 01 | 2hr | |
Functional reqs | 3hr | |
Non Functional reqs | 2hr | |
Review Notes | 30m | 1hr |
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- 11:00 Cosc202 Lecture
- 12:00 Cosc201 Lab
- 16:00 Info201 Lecture
- 5pm 1st April ⇒ cosc 201 assignment
- 60mins write up
- 5pm 25th March ⇒ info 201 milestone 1
- 120mins functional requirements
- 30mins non functional requirements
- 15mins glossary
- 30mins follow-up checklist
- 5pm 1st April ⇒ info 203 assignment 2
- Find group
- 30mins heuristic evaulations
- 120mins write up
Cosc 202 tasks
- python ai weekly review
- my own password manager