I will give you a definition of a proud man: he is a man who has neither vanity nor wisdom one filled with hatreds cannot be vain, neither can he be wise. — John Keats
task | e time | r time |
203 Assignment | 3hr | 3hr |
review notes | 30min | 30min |
201 Assignment | 3hr | |
Swedish fixes | ? | |
202 Work | 1hr |
1 Todo’s
- 16:00 Cosc201 Tutorial
- 12:00 Cosc201 Lab
2 Lecture/Labs
- [r] 09:00 Cosc202 Lab
- 11:00 Cosc201 Lecture
- 12:00 Info201 Lab
3 Assignments
- 12pm 1st April ⇒ cosc 201 assignment
- 1hr Question 1
- 45min Question 2
- 30min Question 3
- 5pm 1st April ⇒ info 203 assignment 2
- 120mins write up
3.1 Cosc 202 tasks
- andie
- save open file state
4 Projects
- python ai weekly review
- my own password manager