2022-07-22 << daily-notes >> 2022-07-24
I got banned from the county fair for handing out Helium-2 balloons. Apparently the instant massive plasma explosions violated some local ordinance or something.
AAPL : 154.14 SP500 : 3961.63 TSLA : 816.73 GME : 35.78 AMC : 15.5
- 202 Lecture
- 203 Lecture
- 204 Lab
- 01-big-picture)
- 06-business-functions-and-use-cases)
- 204 Lecture
- 210 Lecture
- 202 Lecture
- 202 lecture
- 202 Tutorial (done questions, need to do marking?)
- 202 assignment (1⃫, 2⃫, 3⃫, 4⃫, 5)
- 202 tutorial questions
- 210 Lecture
- 210 lab
- 204 lecture 3