2022-08-06 << daily-notes >> 2022-08-08
‘Does the substance feel weird to the touch?’ is equally likely to get the answers ‘Don’t be ridiculous, you would never put your hand near a sample. We have safety protocols.’ and ‘Yeah, and it tastes AWFUL.’
AAPL : 165.26 SP500 : 4145.19 TSLA : 864.51 GME : 40.02 AMC : 22.18
- 05-javascript)
- 07-js-server-vs-client-side)
- 12-design-heuristics-3)
- 203 Lecture (react)
- 203 Lecture (take notes on client vs server side)
- 210 Lecture 8
- 210 Lecture 7
- 210 Lecture 6
- 210 Lecture 4
- 210 Lab (done quiz need to to lab in person)
- 210 lab (done quiz need to do lab in person)
- 202 Tutorial 3
- 202 Lecture w4/03
- 202 Lecture w4/02
- 202 Lecture w4/01
- 202 Lecture w3/03