As Info/Comp scientists we all are engineers who create artifacts of some sort. we create things. We have a responsibility as scientists to consider the implication of our outputs.

Usually as professionals we have a code of conduct with four duties: to society, to employers, to clients and to co-professionals.

AR is becoming very prominent. Many large companies are investing it the technology.

pervasive-AR is the “continuous experience of computer-mediated reality”. Context aware etc.

Our unmediated view is what we would see without the glasses. Then we bring information into the view of the user. This can become distracting - visually and mentally. You may also be able to see information about other people (e.g., projected above their head)

What does this mean for how we build these systems. What are we responsible for?

watch: the social dilemma, black mirror war zone thing

Ethical considerations

Four dimensions

  • data and privacy
    • e.g., google glass, always tracking with camera and sensors
      • other people don’t know what you see
    • e.g., project aria (not AR glasses)
      • trialled in the offices
    • facial analysis
    • only show information about people who also have glasses?
    • regulations about usage of data (security, time, transmission, etc)
    • might need a trusted group of users
    • cant disable camera capturing as it is integral to the functionality
    • enforcing privacy by technology is difficult/not viable
    • need to make better policies and frameworks
  • health and safety
    • physical and psychological
    • important factors: long-term use, perceptual distraction, human information interaction
  • illusion and belief
    • the device gap makes us aware of what is real and not
    • pervasive-AR becomes a disappearing interfaces
    • how to know what is real? can we signal to the user?
      • build in some method of testing
      • “probe” poking things to check if they are real
  • rights and ownership
    • pervasive-AR will change the notion of private and public property ownership and use
    • who has authority to augment places
    • digital-twins exist