use representation that does not require user to memorise things.
“solving a problem simply means representing it so as to make the solution transparent” - Herbert Simon, The sciences of the Artificial
memory games make finding pairs hard by introducing rules. This often happens in computers interfaces needlessly difficult to use
depeding on how you represent a problem, you can make is easy or hard.
Working memory
users have a working memory (2±2 limit). You shouldn’t require users to remember anything that you could put on a screen.
If something takes a lot of time. You wil get distracted, and forget something.
Naturalness principle
- experiemental cognition is raised when the properties of the representation match the properties of the thing being represented
Dist cognition
when interfaces help people disribute cognition it can
- exourage experimentsation
- scaffold learning and reuce errors through reduncdancy
- show (only) differences that matter
- convert slow calculation into fast perception
- support chunking, especially by experts
- increase effieciency
- facilitate collaboration
good representation shows only relevant information and enables:
- comparison
- exploration
- problem solving
deep vs shallow interface