making interactive app quickly with minimal code
simulate interactive behaviour with human operators
- make interactive app without much code
- front end interface
- remote wizard controls user interface
- makes sense with is faster/cheaper/easier than making the real thing
- get feedback from users people
- hi-fi users think its more real
- low-fi: more license to suggest changes
1 making wizard protoypes
- find scenarios to protoypes
- create UI skeleton
- develop hooks for wizard input
- decide where and how the wizard will provide input
- remember not to fake stuff that it not feasible in real life
- rehearse wizard rile with colleague
2 running wizard protoypes
practivce with friend
recruit users
two roles:
- facilitator ⇒ pprovides tasks and takes notes
- wizard ⇒ operaties interface
user feedback
- think aloud
- retrospective
- heuristic evaluation
debrief users
3 used throughout development
user can do less and less and the prototyp comes closer to realisation
4 advatages
- fast
- variable
- more real than papar prototypes
- finds bugs and pronlems with design
- places user at center
- can envision challenging to built application
- ability to look foward and “use” tech that isn’t created yet
5 Disadvatages
- simulations may misrepresent otherwire imperfect tech
- mya simulate techs that not not exist (and mnay never)
- require training and can be inconsistent
- playing the wizard can be exhausting
- some features are difficult to simulate
- may not be appropriate