2022-08-17 << daily-notes >> 2022-08-19


Back To Black - Amy Winehouse
Curdled milk, of a peculiar kind, made after a Bulgarian recipe and called “yaghurt,” is now a Parisian fad and is believed to be a remedy against growing old. A correspondent who has tried it, says he would prefer to die young. (1905, The Elk Falls Journal)

AAPL : 174.59 SP500 : 4274.04 TSLA : 911.99 GME : 40.52 AMC : 21.36


  • 203 Lab
  • 210 Lecture 12
  • 202 Lecture w4/03
  • 202 assignment 2 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)



Today’s Log