Circuit basics:

  • current flows + to -
  • input to a unit (e.g., LED) is the + end

Combinatorial Logic Circuit



Combinatorial Logic Circuit is a circuit whose digital outputs are dependent only on its digital inputs They can be described using logic expressions and therefore logic gates. We assume the outputs respond immediately^[1]

They can be defined:

Boolean Equations


  • NOT is unary, so it has the highest precedence
  • AND is mulitply, so it comes next
  • OR is like plusl, to it comes last

Precedence table|200

Creating boolean equations:

  • for each row where output is 1
  • write the equation as a function of the inputs (using AND)
  • Write the final equation, putting OR between each clause
  • example

De Morgan’s Theorum

  • !(A + B) = A! & !B
  • !(A + B + C + … + X) = !A & !B & !C & … & !X
  • truth table
  • any boolean function can be represented as the sum of logical products
  • All combinatorial circuits can be described using just one gate type (either nand or nor) [^2]


simple transistor diagram|100

  • B: Base ⇒ A swtich connecting C to E
    • open (C is disconnected from E) when supplied 0v
    • closed (C is connected to E) by applying +5V
  • C: Collector
  • E: Emitter

Possible to create NAND gate using just transistors ∴ possible to create all logic gates using only transistors [^3]


Logic Gates

  • NOT
  • AND
  • OR
  • NAND
  • NOR

[^1] : In real circuits propagation delay must be considered, hence the clock cycle on CPUs [^2] : The Apollo Guidance Computer used about 5600 NOR gates and no other gate types! [^3] : They dont actually do it this way (see lab)