2022-08-25 << daily-notes >> 2022-08-27
Ground-pole-ball-pole can be fun if you shake the first pole to get the second one whipping around dangerously, but the ball at the joint gets torn apart pretty fast.
AAPL : 170.13 SP500 : 4199.12 TSLA : 296.07 GME : 31.96 AMC : 9.57
- 203 Lecture
- 204 Lab
- send mum house
- look at work for dilan
- remind balls to apply
- email people about bursaries
- talk to people at 25 islignton about selling
- 204 Lab
- 02-basic-css)
- 03-more-css)
- 03-sequential-logic-circuits)
- 05-6809-assembly)
- 08-intro-to-c)
- 04-evaluation-methods-birth-of-hci)
- 02-combinatorial-logic)
- 07-js-server-vs-client-side)
- 06-async-javascript)
- 204 Lecture 13
- 204 Lecture 12
- 204 Lecture 11
- gap
- 203 Lab 13
- 203 Lecture 12
- 203 Lecture 11
- 203 Lecture 10
- gap
- 210 Lecture
- 210 lecture
- 210 notes
- call francis about her mixes